Building-biology working group with new seal

workinggroup building-biology

use the new seal

As of now, members of the working group (AK) building biology experts can use a new seal on their website. Since 2008, the AK meets regularly in the Environmental Center Fulda for experience exchange. Through a confidential co-operation within the Corporate Directory of biology regional participants want to be successful together and overall provide a higher value for “building-biology”. The group operates in a structured manner. Still, plenty of scope for open discussion and brainstorming stay. The main points of the meeting, participants receive summarized in the report. During the year, the exchange takes place via email or phone. In the internal forum of a confidential exchange of ideas is assured. All important information is stored there and are available for participants. Access to the forum must be requested by email to

In recognition of the current level of participation and as an incentive for further engagement, the participants of the working group may cause the new seal “building biology expert member of the Working Group” on their website. The next ERFA date is Saturday of the 14 September 2013. The focus is on a website creating with WordPress, search engine optimization, social media and print media – the topics for building biological measurement are still in preparation. The meeting is in principle open to all building-biologists.

Join our workinggroup and use the seal on your website: green experts

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