Author Archives: joachim-w

When Old Mineral Wool Releases Hazardous Fibers

Hazardous Fibers

Laboratory Analytics for AMF

Artificial mineral fibers (AMF) are considered the small relatives of asbestos

In certain dimensions, these fibers are also respirable and can cause cancer depending on their retention time in the body. For this reason, the production of hazardous fibers has been banned in Germany since June 2000. During demolition, renovation, and maintenance work, workers inevitably encounter AMF, and property owners also face this contaminant when acquiring older properties. The German Hazardous Substances Ordinance provides the legal framework for handling these fibers in paragraphs 10 and 11, while the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) 521 list the state of technology, occupational medicine, and hygiene practices. In the private sector, legal threshold values are still lacking.
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Why older linoleum flooring can smell

older linoleum flooring can smell

Older linoleum flooring can smell

An employee complained about a noticeable odor in the office

A small office space in the attic was fitted with linoleum flooring that was over ten years old. Shortly after spending time in the room, a new employee complained of headaches and a scratchy throat. For this reason, we wanted to examine the characteristics of the flooring more closely: Linoleum is often used as an alternative to synthetic flooring. Its components are natural materials like linseed oil, cork or wood flour, limestone powder, and resins. Newly installed linoleum can develop a characteristic odor due to the outgassing of residual substances. These volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, release in low concentrations over several weeks and are essentially vented off after that. However, as the flooring ages, additional odors can develop.
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Ozone Treatment of Indoor Air as a Miracle Cure for Bad Odors

ozone treatment

Manufacturers promise quick help

An ozone treatment of indoor air promises quick relief from all kinds of unpleasant odors in the home. For example, it can smell significantly bad after a smoldering fire, mold growth, or in the case of a smoker’s apartment. Numerous providers promising a solution using ozone generators can be found in search engines. The following article examines the advantages and disadvantages of ozone treatment, sheds light on the chemical processes involved, and evaluates opinions from users of these devices. The topic seems to be of interest. The website of can point to hundreds of search terms related to the term “ozone treatment.”
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A ranking of the most dangerous wood preservatives

wood_preservatives als pcp, ddt, cresot, etc

Wood preservatives as pcp

Banned, but still found in homes

The Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance in Germany came into force in 1989. Since then, toxic wood preservatives may no longer be sold indoors. Nevertheless, property buyers still come across the subject of “wood preservatives” time and again. This is not surprising when you consider that most houses in Germany were built between 1950 and 1980 and are now once again attracting young buyers. Wood preservatives were used in particular for load-bearing components such as roof trusses and ceiling beams and are not immediately recognizable to home buyers. The following essay will take a closer look at the most dangerous representatives of chemical wood preservatives.
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