Baubiologie und Oekologie

Gesundes Wohnen und Arbeiten

Bayreuth, 17.09.2024

Standard of building biology testing methods (SBM 2015)

The Standard gives an overview of the physical, chemical and biological risks encountered in sleeping areas, living spaces, workplaces and properties.

It offers guidelines on how to perform specific measurements and assess possible health risks.

All testing results, testing instruments and procedures are documented in a final written report. In case potential problems are identified, an effective remediation strategy is developed. The individual subcategories of the Standard describe critical indoor environmental influences. With its professional approach, it helps identify, minimize and avoid such factors within an individual’s framework of achievability. It is the Standard’s goal to create indoor living environments that are as exposure-free and natural as practicable, this holistic approach is accomplished by taking all subcategories into account and implementing all available diagnostic possibilities.

Testing, assessment and remediation strategies focus mainly on the building biology experience, precaution and achievability. Any risk reduction is worth striving for.

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The copyright for the SBM 2015 lies at Baubiologie Maes, Neuss, Germany and Institut für Baubiologie und Nachhaltigkeit, Rosenheim/Germany. The Standard of Building Biology Testing Methods SBM-2015 was translated from German into English by Katharina Gustavs, Toronto/Canada.


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