Author Archives: Joakim

If WiFi disrupts sleep

WiFi distubs sleep

Now the girl is sleeping well

Sometimes solutions can be quite simple. The parents turn the wireless router off at night and the two year-old daughter sleeping since then through again. The background: Susanna Rubin was with the nerves at the end. Her child woke up in the master bedroom at night nine to ten times screaming. If the family stayed away from home, there was no trouble sleeping. The building biologist initially investigated the area of the bed. There were a few little things to correct. For example, the low-frequency alternating electric fields could be eliminated almost entirely by turning off a circuit. For the electrostatic charging of the bed surface, there was also a solution. The main problem for the sleep was not to be found right in the bedroom.
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Asbestos in the weekend home

asbestos fibre

asbestos fibre

Regensburg/Germany. This Jens Kugler had not expected. Responding to an advertisement he and his wife bought a weekend property in a quiet area to relax from work stress in the metropolis. The cottage appeared in good condition. The surprise came when Jens wanted to dispose of an old oven at the recycling center. “Oh what, asbestos sheets are installed inside. The oven must be disposed of by a specialized company,” the answer came at the recycling. Thereupon, the family looked closely at the newly acquired buildings.
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Create a healthy indoor climate


a hygrometer is an important equipment

“Another article about healthy indoor climate”, some readers will think. The author finds it necessary to shed light on this important aspect of building and living in detail as a good indoor climate is often reduced to only heating and ventilation. But it must be observed even more aspects. The building- biology takes nature as a model. The aim of planning must be to produce as much as possible natural conditions in the interior. Continue reading

Disastrous “low-budget” mold treatment


expert measures wall moisture

Recently made in the press a report circulating that many mold remediation are not conducted properly. “Three quarters of the architect, building surveyor, construction and renovation contractor and lawyers assume that 70 percent of the renovations are flawed,” reported the director of the Institute Peridomus Dr. Gerhard Führer from Himmelstadt/Germany. Even if there should be ten or twenty percent fewer cases, the incidence of improper renovations would be a disaster for the affected residents. So-called “brush renovations” mean nothing else than that the moisture damage was simply painted over. The new tenant sees the problem not at first attempt and the landlord has his first sleep. Continue reading